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ICYMI: Begich Supports Constitutional Amendment to Address Campaign Finance


ANCHORAGE — Last week, Mark Begich continued his commitment to fighting the flawed Supreme Court Citizens United ruling when he voted in support of a constitutional amendment to reign in secret campaign spending from billionaires like the Koch brothers. Unfortunately, the measure was blocked in the U.S. Senate.

Mark Begich has released a detailed plan for how he will work to address campaign finance issues in a second term, including adopting Alaska’s campaign finance requirement of identifying the top three donors in ads.

In stark contrast, Dan Sullivan continues to support unlimited secret campaign contributions.

Read the Associated Press story below:


September 12, 2023 - 8:14 pm EDT

JUNEAU, Alaska — U.S. Sen. Mark Begich is proposing changes to campaign finance laws, including requiring the top three contributors to candidates or third-party groups be identified in ads.

In laying out his plans to address the issue if re-elected, Begich also proposed that all candidates electronically file and post their federal fundraising reports. He called for contribution limits and said he would continue to support a constitutional amendment, similar to one that failed in the Senate Thursday, that would allow Congress and the states to better regulate election spending.

Begich’s GOP rival, Dan Sullivan, has called on Begich to sign an agreement aimed at limiting outside money in their race. Begich said he’s signed a separate agreement striking at the idea of corporate personhood and is proposing legislation in line with that.
