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Dan Sullivan: East Coast Outsider

In Short:

Dan Sullivan is running for United States Senate, but before he tells you what he believes he should probably tell you where he lives.

Dan Sullivan is an East Coast outsider who claimed on tax records that his principal residence was a $1.3 million house in Maryland while, at the same time, he was claiming to be an Alaskan and voting in Alaska elections.

A $1.3 million house … in Maryland.

Maryland is over 3,000 miles from Alaska. That’s a heck of a commute.

Dan should think about running for U.S. Senate in the state he knows best… Maryland.

The Whole Story:

It is difficult to know if Dan Sullivan even understands how to best represent Alaskans. Born in Ohio and spending almost his entire life on the east coast, he has only lived a few years in Alaska. What is worse is that he has spent more than a decade attempting to cover up the fact that he was really living in Maryland.

According to Alaska state law you must be a resident of Alaska in order to register and cast a ballot in the state. Outsider Dan Sullivan registered and voted 10 times in Alaska. However, while he was voting in Alaska, he was taking advantage of tax breaks in Maryland by listing his $1.3 million home as his principal residence.

If Dan Sullivan won’t tell the truth about where he lives how can we ever trust him stand up for everyday Alaskans.

The Facts:

Maryland House

Politico: Mead Treadwell trashes foe in Alaska primary. Senate candidate Mead Treadwell highlighted Dan Sullivan’s short time in Alaska by sayingI’ve got a jar of mayonnaise in my refrigerator that’s been there longer than Dan Sullivan’s been in Alaska. [Politico, 9/19/13]

National Journal: Sullivan Is A “Relative Newcomer” To Alaska, Designated Maryland As His Home While Voting In Alaska. “Compared to [Treadwell and Begich], Sullivan is a relative newcomer to the state and its politics. His wife is an Alaska native, but he first moved to the state in 1997. His family designated its Maryland home as its principal residence while he worked for the Bush Administration, during which time Sullivan continued to vote absentee in Alaska but skipped some elections including major Republican primaries involving former Gov. Sarah Palin and GOP Rep. Don Young.” [National Journal, 10/15/13]

Sullivan Campaign Said He Listed Maryland Home As Principal Residence For Tax Purposes. “Sullivan listed a home in Maryland as his principal residence while working on the East Coast, and his campaign has said that was for tax purposes.” [AP, 12/18/13]

Sullivans Purchased House in Bethesda, Maryland in December 2006 for More Than $1.3 Million – Sold In May 2010. According to Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, the property located at 6212 Maiden Ln in Bethesda was purchased on December 29, 2023 for $1,362,000. The Sullivans sold the house on May 25, 2023 for $1,325,000. [Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, 6212 Maiden Ln; Deed 33556/ 00304; Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, 6212 Maiden Ln; Deed 39334/ 00288]

Definition Of “Principal Residence”

Montgomery County Law Defines “Principal Residence” As “Dwelling Where The Homeowner Regularly Resides And Is The Location Designated By The Owner For The Legal Purposes Of Voting, Obtaining A Driver’s License, And Filing Income Tax Returns.” According to the Montgomery County Department of Finance, “A person or married couple can only have one principal residence. Principal residence is the dwelling where the homeowner regularly resides and is the location designated by the owner for the legal purposes of voting, obtaining a driver’s license, and filing income tax returns. Only the owner’s principal residence is eligible for the Homestead Tax Credit, the Homeowners’ Tax Credit and other State and local tax credit programs. In addition, only the owner’s principal residence is eligible for the semi-annual property tax payment program. The State Assessment Office may request documentation to verify that a dwelling is the principal residence of a homeowner.” [Montgomery County Department of Finance, accessed 6/19/13]

Taxes & Principal Residence Credit

Sullivan and Wife Paid Taxes on Home at 6212 Maiden Lane in Bethesda MD in 2007 Tax Year. According to Montgomery County tax records, Sullivan and his wife paid property taxes on the home at 6212 Maiden Lane in Bethesda, MD for the tax period from July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2008. [Montgomery County Tax Records, Accessed 1/31/14]

  • Sullivans Received $613 County Property Tax Credit on Bethesda Home as “Principal Residence” in 2007. According to Montgomery County tax records, the Sullivans received the County Property Tax Credit in the amount of $613 on their home in Bethesda, MD in the 2007 tax year. [Montgomery County Tax Records, Accessed 1/31/14]
  • County Property Tax Credit “Automatically Given to All Properties Listed as Principal Residence as of July 1st of That Tax Year.” According to the Montgomery County website, “The County Property Tax Credit also known as Income Tax Offset Credit is a credit that is automatically given to all properties that are listed as a principal residence as of July 1st of that tax year. Although the credit is given to properties listed as principal residences the owner must have occupied the property prior to July 1st of that tax year.” [Montgomery County, County Property Tax Credit]

Sullivan and Wife Paid Taxes on Home at 6212 Maiden Lane in Bethesda MD in 2008 Tax Year. According to Montgomery County tax records, Sullivan and his wife paid property taxes on the home at 6212 Maiden Lane in Bethesda, MD for the tax period from July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2009. [Montgomery County Tax Records, Accessed 1/31/14]

  • Sullivans Received $579 County Property Tax Credit on Bethesda Home as “Principal Residence” in 2008. According to Montgomery County tax records, the Sullivans received the County Property Tax Credit in the amount of $579 on their home in Bethesda, MD in the 2008 tax year.” [Montgomery County Tax Records, Accessed 1/31/14]
  • County Property Tax Credit “Automatically Given to All Properties Listed as Principal Residence as of July 1st of That Tax Year.” According to the Montgomery County website, “The County Property Tax Credit also known as Income Tax Offset Credit is a credit that is automatically given to all properties that are listed as a principal residence as of July 1st of that tax year. Although the credit is given to properties listed as principal residences the owner must have occupied the property prior to July 1st of that tax year.” [Montgomery County, County Property Tax Credit]

Voter Registration

Sullivan Registered Republican Voter in Anchorage, AK Since March 1998. According to the Alaska Division of Elections, Sullivan has been registered to vote in the state of Alaska since March 4, 1998. He is a registered Republican and listed his address as 12970 Mountain Place, Anchorage, AK. [Alaska Division Of Elections – Voting Record of Daniel S. Sullivan, accessed 5/17/13]

Sullivan Voter History, as of May 2013:

Year Status
2004 Voted in general election
2005 No history
2006 Voted in general and municipal elections
2007 No history
2008 Voted in general election
2009 No history
2010 Voted in primary, general and municipal elections
2011 No history
2012 Voted in primary, general and municipal elections
2013 No history

[Alaska Division Of Elections – Voting Record of Daniel S. Sullivan, accessed 5/17/13]