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Begich Endorsed by Alaska Farmers Union

Begich Uses Clout to Deliver


CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE- Mark Begich has secured the endorsement of the Alaska Farmers Union for his record of “results for Alaska” and because Begich is “a leader in the fight against GMO salmon, supports labeling genetically modified products in stores, and supports country of origin labeling.”

In Alaska, Begich has worked to listen to Alaska’s agricultural industry and farmers. In the Senate, Begich has built clout by chairing the Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and the Coast Guard, and holding a seat on the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Alaska Farmers Union members include farmers, fishermen, forestry workers, conservation organizations and food co-ops.

“The Alaska Farmers Union is proud to endorse U.S. Senator Mark Begich for a second term because he’s delivered resultsfor Alaska. Mark Begich is a leader in the fight against genetically engineered salmon, supports labeling genetically modified products in stores and supports country of origin labeling. Senator Begich cut wasteful spending in the reauthorization of the Farm Bill and pushed for increased support for family farmiing initiatives. Our industry and members appreciate Begich’s willingness to hear ours needs and concerns, whether it’s about hay insurance or our co-ops, and the accomplishments he’s been able to deliver. Alaska Farmers Union members rely on Mark Begich’s leadership in the U.S. Senate,” said President Bob Shumaker of Palmer.

RELEASE: Alaska Farmers Union Proudly Endorses Mark Begich for the U.S. Senate

The Alaska Farmers Union is endorsing U.S. Senator Mark Begich for re-election to the United States Senate. During Senator Begich’s first term in office, he has consistently stood up for Alaska agriculture and farmers by using his clout to deliver critical support for our state.

“The Alaska Farmers Union is proud to endorse U.S. Senator Mark Begich for a second term because he’s delivered results for Alaska. Mark Begich is a leader in the fight against genetically engineered salmon, supports labeling genetically modified products in stores and supports country of origin labeling. Senator Begich cut wasteful spending in the reauthorization of the Farm Bill and pushed for increased support forfamily farming initiatives. Our industry and members appreciate Begich’s willingness to hear ours needs and concerns, whether it’s about hay insurance or our co-ops, and the accomplishments he’s been able to deliver. Alaska Farmers Union members rely on Mark Begich’s leadership in the U.S. Senate,” said President Bob Shumaker of Palmer.

The Alaska Farmers Union works to protect and enhance economic well-being and quality of life of family farmers, fishermen, foresters, nursery growers and consumers throughout the Last Frontier. Our members include farmers, fishermen, forestry workers, conservations organizations and food co-ops.

Alaska Farmers Union is home for producers who are committed to conserving our state’s natural bounty: whether they are long-established or beginning their agricultural journey.

We are committed to representing the interests of Alaskan farmers, foresters and fishermen on issues such as: sustainability, country of origin labeling, energy and food security, genetically modified crops, rural communities, competitive markets, monopolies and concentration agriculture, conservation, and the environment.