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Begich Endorsed by Ahtna, Inc.

CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich received the endorsement of Ahtna, Inc. who called Begich an Alaskan who supports “our values and priorities” regardless of political party.

Ahtna Inc. is an Alaska Native Regional Corporation with 1,800 shareholders of Ahtna Athabascan descent, owning over a million acres of land in the Interior region of Alaska.

“Ahtna, Inc. supports candidates that support our vision, which includes protecting our customary and traditional hunting and fishing practices. As mandated under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, we have a responsibility to our shareholders to provide for their socio and economic wellbeing, and that means doing the best we can to create economic & energy development that benefits them. We want development, jobs, and to lower the cost of energy in our region. Our shareholders are moving to places like Anchorage because they can’t afford the high cost of energy. You simply can’t have economic development without affordable energy. We need leadership in office that understands these points and are willing to work with us to provide solutions for those we serve,” said Ahtna Board Chairman Nick Jackson.

Begich has a strong record of fighting for Alaska Native and rural issues through his seats on the Senate Indian Affairs and Appropriations Committees. His accomplishments include brokering a deal to allow Native and rural veterans to receive care closer to home, bringing in thousands of dollars in fishery disaster funding, protecting bypass mail through his seat on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, strengthening public safety in rural villages, and leading the effort to fully fund tribal health facilities.

Begich also secured over $500 million in overdue contract support costs for Alaska tribes, putting the reappointment of Indian Health Services director on hold until tribes received the payments they were promised.


From the Ahtna, Inc press release:

Ahtna, Inc. Endorses Walker, Begich, and Young

Ahtna, Inc. has voted unanimously to endorse Bill Walker (I) for Governor, Mark Begich (D) for U.S. Senate, and Don Young (R) for U.S. House of Representatives. The corporation is releasing the following statement:

“Ahtna, Inc. supports candidates that support our vision, which includes protecting our customary and traditional hunting and fishingpractices,” said Ahtna Board Chairman Nick Jackson. “As mandated under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, we have a responsibility to our shareholders to provide for their socio and economic wellbeing, and that means doing the best we can to create economic & energy development that benefits them. We want development, jobs, and to lower the cost of energy in our region. Our shareholders are moving to places like Anchorage because they can’t afford the high cost of energy. You simply can’t have economic development without affordable energy. We need leadership in office that understands these points and are willing to work with us to provide solutions for those we serve.”

Jackson also added, “This has nothing to do with party affiliation. This is about supporting candidates who support our values and priorities.”

Board endorsements were made based on where candidates stand on Ahtna’s priorities – such as subsistence, tribal wildlife co-management, energy and economic development. The corporation also endorses Alaska House of Representatives Candidates Wilson Justin (D) and Jim Colver (R).