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No Winner at Social Issues Primary Debate


ANCHORAGE — There were no winners at a Senate primary debate hosted in Eagle River where Mead Treadwell, Dan Sullivan and Joe Miller spent an hour and a half sparring over who would be most effective at denying women access to birth control or cutting funding for women’s reproductive health services.

All three candidates oppose a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions and support the belief that a boss should be able to make health care decisions for an employee.

“The unfortunate loser of today’s debate is Alaska women, who are watching Mead Treadwell, Dan Sullivan and Joe Miller race to restrict their access to birth control, allow bosses to make health care decisions for them and invade their privacy. A woman’s choice and health care decisions are critical issues that affect their professional and personal lives, and there wasn’t a word about that from politicians who believe government should make health care decisions for Alaska women,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign Manager for Alaskans for Begich.

The GOP candidates each highlighted support for various policies that would harm women’s access to reproductive health care and invade their privacy:

· Allow employers to deny women access to birth control based on religious beliefs;

· Oppose safe and legal abortions;

· Treadwell supported “medically necessary” policies which would invade women’s privacy and expose her medical records to the government;

· All three highlighted their support for allowing the government to decide who you can and can’t marry

Mark Begich has distinguished himself as the only candidate who will stand up for a woman’s right to choose, believes that women should have access to affordable birth control and knows that a woman’s health decisions are best made between her and her doctor.

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