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Treadwell’s Tax Would Crush Homebuyers

Treadwell Would Eliminate Provision 30 Million American Families Rely on


U.S. Senate candidate Mead Treadwell is plugging a tax scheme that would crush homebuyers in Alaska, eliminating a provision over 30 million Americans rely on each year. Treadwell’s plan would force Alaskans and Americans to pay thousands of dollars more when buying a house.

Treadwell’s extreme tax scheme would eliminate the home mortgage interest deduction. The provision has been commonplace for American families hoping to buy homes and its elimination would shift the tax burden from wealthier Americans to lower-income households, strangling the finances of working Alaska families.

“Mead Treadwell’s tax scheme would not only raises taxes on everyday goods for Alaska households, but eliminate a provision advancing the American dream of owning a home for thousands of working families in Alaska,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Treadwell’s 30% national sales tax would further complicate homeownership for Alaskans’, as the tax would include mortgage interest.

Republicans, Democrats, and tax experts alike have criticized the scheme. Former President George W. Bush’s administration rejected the proposal and said it would create “the largest entitlement program in history” because of the extreme poverty it would create among lower income Americans.
