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Treadwell and Sullivan: Restricting Access to Birth Control


ANCHORAGE — Dan Sullivan and Mead Treadwell are doubling down on their anti-birth control agenda by broadcasting their support all over Alaska for policies that would restrict access to birth control.

“Instead of shrinking from these alarming stances, Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan are broadcasting their anti-woman agenda all over Alaska. Alaska women need to know that Mark Begich is the only candidate in the race who understands the economic and professional impact these issues have on Alaska women and the only candidate protecting their right to choose, right to privacy and ability to make their own health care decisions,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign Manager for Alaskans for Begich.

Mark Begich has always supported women’s access to contraception and believes the decision to seek contraceptive care is best made between a woman and her doctor. He has co-sponsored legislation to reverse the harmful Hobby Lobby decision and stop employers from denying their female employees coverage for birth control.

Dan Sullivan and Mead Treadwell are supporting frightening proposals to reverse these efforts.

Dan Sullivan:

·Supports allowing corporations to deny coverage for contraception. Called Hobby Lobby case “great.”

·Refused to say if he would support “personhood” amendment, which could ban common forms of birth control.

Mead Treadwell

·Thinks all Alaska women should pay for contraception out-of-pocket. Backed Hobby Lobby case to allow corporations to deny female employees coverage for contraception.

·Supports “personhood” legislation, which could ban common forms of contraception.

