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Sullivan’s First Campaign Trip to Bethel

Sullivan Likely to Face Uncomfortable Conversations Over Attacks on Alaska Native Rights


ANCHORAGE- U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan is making his inaugural campaign trip to the largest community in the Y-K Delta, Bethel. Sullivan has disrespected the community by taking over a year to visit the center of Yup’ik culture and hub of Y-K Delta commerce.

Dan Sullivan’s inattention to Bethel and other Y-K Delta communities is because he doesn’t want to answer questions about his failed tenure as Alaska’s attorney general and his lawsuits against elder Katie John, the Kaltag Tribal Council or his failed land grab bill, HB77, the Silencing Alaskans Act.

“Taking over a year to visit the Y-K Delta’s largest community makes clear that Dan Sullivan’s only visiting to pander for votes. During Dan Sullivan’s tenure as Alaska’s attorney general and Department of Natural Resources Commissioner, he traveled to Bethel, Alaska, and Paris, France the same number of times: once. Alaskans know he’s trying to buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat to represent Outside interests and himself, not the Y-K Delta,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

As Alaska’s U.S. Senator, Mark Begich knows that in order to understand the people of this diverse state you must travel to their communities and meet them in person. Throughout his first term, Mark Begich has criss-crossed Alaska to meet one-on-one with Alaskans.
