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Sullivan Tax Investigation Gets Messier

CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan had no defense for the tax credit investigation announced in Maryland last week. Sullivan declared his $1.3 million Maryland home his “principal residence” in 2006, an act a Maryland tax assessor says was done “under the penalty of perjury.”

Sullivan’s residency declaration conflicts with pending claims to have been a 17 year resident of Alaska who voted in Alaska while declaring his principal residence in Maryland.

“Alaskans can’t trust Dan Sullivan to be straight with them about who he is – let alone answer questions about his taxes and what he would do as a senator. If Dan Sullivan can’t be honest with Alaskans about where he lived, voted or paid taxes what can he be honest about?,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Sullivan has made five differing declarations about his residency since 2009 including a claim of 17 years of continuous Alaska residency. In private communications Sullivan has acknowledged that he did not live in Alaska between 2002 and 2009. A fact he affirmed when applying for a non-resident Alaska fishing license in 2009.

An interview with Maryland tax assessor Robert Young by the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner is drawing attention to these complications:

When the Sullivans bought the house in 2006, he and his wife, Julie, signed a sworn statement — under penalty of perjury — that the home would be their primary residence, according to documents provided by the Begich campaign.

Young, the Maryland tax assessment director, said that document supported granting of a tax credit that year and subsequent other credits in 2007 and 2008. There was also a change in state law making the requirements stricter and the application process less ambiguous, Young said.

Alaskans for Begich recently released a memo outlining Dan Sullivan’s Maryland problems. A KTUU fact check echoed similar concerns about conflicting claims Dan Sullivan has made about his residency, asking: “So how long has Sullivan been in Alaska? It’s tough to say exactly.”