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Sullivan Supporters Behind Invasion of Alaskans’ Privacy

Letters Containing Personal Information and Voting History Arriving At Homes Statewide


ANCHORAGE — Another Koch brothers affiliated group is supporting Dan Sullivan, this time by violating Alaskans’ privacy by sending letters with the home address and voting habits of neighbors and strangers to the homes of Alaskans. The letters are being attributed to Oregonian multimillionaire John Bryan who is “close to Charles and David Koch.”

KTUU recently aired a story outlining the outrage expressed by Alaskans who have received such letters.

“Outside supporters of Dan Sullivan are trying to buy this election to represent their interests, not Alaska’s. Dan Sullivan is always quick to brag about being a State Department appointee under Condoleezza Rice, the architect of the modern U.S. surveillance state, and it’s clear these violations of privacy are his true beliefs. Alaskans can all agree there needs to be a fundamental respect for each other’s privacy. Mark Begich believes all Alaskans are entitled to their right to privacy and these letters are a violation and poorly informed scare tactic,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Dan Sullivan’s financial support is mainly funded by Outside interests. The most recent Federal Elections Commission filing from Dan Sullivan’s campaign included $40,000 in donations from the Koch brothers.

The letters are linked to Opportunity Alliance PAC, another Outside group intent on buying Alaska’s Senate seat for Dan Sullivan.

Opportunity Alliance PAC Raised $250,020. [Pre-General report, FEC, filed 10/13/14]

  • May 27, 2014: John Bryan Gave $200,000 To Opportunity Alliance. [FEC, accessed 10/27/14]
  • September 26, 2014: Gaye Lovett Kelsey Gave $50,000 To Opportunity Alliance. [FEC, accessed 10/27/14]

John Bryan Has Been “Close To David And Charles Koch” And Is A Major Contributor To Conservative Causes.“Bryan, one of the founders of a chemical company spun off from Georgia-Pacific, is a major contributor to conservative causes and has funded a foundation aimed at spurring charter schools and educational choice. […] Bryan, who is a retired executive and board member of Georgia Gulf living in Lake Oswego, has been close to David and Charles Koch, the brothers who own Georgia-Pacific and are prominent supporter of the Tea Party movement and a variety of other conservative causes.” [The Oregonian, 6/24/13]

Koch Brothers Finally Disclosed Large Contributions To Their Political Empire, Including From Retired Oregon Oilman John Bryan, Who Also Attended Koch Seminars. “Charles and David Koch have finally disclosed at least a small portion of the large contributions given to their political empire. According to a report filed with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday, each of the billionaire brothers gave $2 million to Freedom Partners Action Fund, a super PAC founded to influence the 2014 elections. […] A handful of other super wealthy donors, also known to have attended Koch seminars, gave $500,000 or more to the super PAC. They are retired Oregon oilman John Bryan, Boston private equity investor John Childs, New York investor Ravenel Curry, Virginia homebuilder Richard Gilliam, Missouri roofing maker David Humphreys and Arkansas poultry processor Ronald Cameron.” [Huffington Post, 10/15/14]

  • John Bryan Gave $575,000 To Freedom Partners. “In addition, Freedom Partners received $575,000 from Lake Oswego resident John D. Bryan, one of the founders of a chemical company spun off from Georgia-Pacific. That’s the former Portland wood products company, now headquartered in Atlanta and owned by Koch Industries.” [The Oregonian,10/15/14]
  • 2011: John Bryan Was A Featured Speaker At Koch Retreat. “John Bryan, a retired oil tycoon, was a featured speaker at the 2011 Koch retreat in Palm Springs, Calif.” [Public Integrity, 5/19/14]
