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Sullivan Donors Attack Privacy of Alaskans


ANCHORAGE — Alaskans are outraged at the actions of an Outside group funded by a Dan Sullivan supporter and known associate of the Koch brothers, John Bryan. Letters containing information Alaskans consider to very personal have blanketed Alaska disclosing the name, home address and voting history of neighbors and strangers. The letters include a threat to shame voters by sending a notification to friend and neighbors if letter recipients don’t vote.

“Dan Sullivan, his supporters and the Koch brothers are proving they don’t care about the privacy of Alaskans when it comes to their attempt to buy Alaska’s Senate seat. As a born and raised Alaskan, Mark Begich respects and has fought to protect the privacy of Alaskans, these letters are a shameful breach of that privacy and a misguided attempt to support Dan Sullivan by Outside billionaires,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, campaign manager for Alaskans for Begich.

What Alaskans are saying about the shameful efforts of one of Dan Sullivan’s Outside donors:

The ABC News Alaska affiliate station aired the following story featuring an interview with Senator Begich:


From the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Letters Exposing Neighbors’ Voting Records Anger Alaskans

“I was so mad, I could’ve spit.” — “If they’re going this far, they could go farther.”

From the Alaska Dispatch News: Alaska Voters Upset About Public-Shaming Mailers, But Experts Say They Work

“This is like a violation of privacy. It’s not anybody’s business whether or not I voted.”
