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Sullivan Disappoints, Lacks Details

Sullivan Light on Substance

Sticks to National Script at Resource Debate

CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — Dan Sullivan surprised Alaskans with vague talking points about Alaska resource development, especially forsomeone who served as Alaska’s Department of Natural Resources Commissioner, in today’s resource forum.

During the forum Sullivan failed to take responsibility for walking away from negotiations, clearly showing he will not take on the Obama administration - like Senator Mark Begich has - to expand development in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A), instead choosing to rely on the same national talking points the Alaska Dispatch News has called “broad and vague.”

“Dan Sullivan is selling Alaskans short with his refusal and inability to provide real plans for oil and gas development, promoting and protecting our fisheries or even what he would do in the U.S. Senate - especially after President Obama leaves office. Alaskans deserve better than Sullivan’s rehearsed script and vague talking points. Mark Begich has released ten detailed policy plans including plans for developing Alaska’s natural resources over the last two months, while Dan Sullivan has failed to provide a plan in over a year,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Sullivan failed to provide an answer as to how he would be effective in the U.S. Senate representing Alaska as Senator number 100. Sullivan also failed to acknowledge the millions in support he has received from the Koch Brothers who shut down Flint Hills Refinery, raised taxes on North Pole residents, jacked up the price of construction, and attempted to leave Alaskans with toxic groundwater to clean up.

As DNR Commissioner Sullivan negotiated the royalty oil contract with a Koch company that has been identified as a contributing factor in the Flint Hills refinery closure by Governor Parnell, local elected officials and the refinery operators.