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Statement on Sullivan’s Maryland Residency


ANCHORAGE- Today, the State of Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation released its findings on the residence tax credit eligibility of U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan for his million dollar home in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Bethesda.

Alaskans for Begich Campaign Manager Susanne Fleek-Green released the following statement in response to the State of Maryland’s findings in relation to Dan Sullivan’s dishonest residency claims:

“Dan Sullivan’s claims have never added up, he’s given five different answers about his residency in a period of five years because he wants to buy Alaska’s Senate seat to represent himself, not Alaskans. From receiving tax breaks on his swanky million dollar Maryland home to skipping debates in Alaska to raise money in Ohio, Dan Sullivan has made it clear: Alaskans can’t trust him,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, campaign manager for Alaskans for Begich.

In Dan Sullivan’s official Senate candidate filling, he identified himself as a 17-year continuous resident of the State of Alaska. A declaration that conflicts with the State of Maryland’s assessment of residency.

Sullivan also, has not answered the following questions from Alaskans:

  • Answered what state he filed his federal income taxes in while living in Maryland.
  • Answered why the Alaska Permanent Fund declared him ineligible for a Permanent Fund Dividend Check in 2004.

Alaskans have been asking Dan Sullivan for over a year to explain his inconsistent Maryland residency claims. Today’s findings confirm that Dan Sullivan needs to come clean about his past residency and federal income tax filings.
