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RELEASE: Treadwell and Sullivan Don’t Believe Women Can Make Their Own Health Care Decisions

Candidates Boast Limiting Critical Health Care Services


ANCHORAGE — Dan Sullivan and Mead Treadwell don’t trust women to make their own health care decisions and continue to boast about their efforts to restrict Alaska women’s access to critical health care services.

As recently as Monday, Sullivan and Treadwell proudly shared their long resumes of restricting women’s access to care, birth control and a woman’s right to choose. Treadwell and Sullivan consistently believe that employers and the government should be able to insert themselves into women’s health care decisions.

Dan Sullivan

  • Says: “I do think [Roe v. Wade] was a mistake.”
  • Claims opposition to legal abortion is a “core conviction of mine.”
  • Supports letting employers get between Alaska women and their doctors.

Mead Treadwell

  • Says “Roe v. Wade was a mistake.”
  • Opposes abortion even in cases of rape, incest, or to protect the life of the mother.

Mark Begich has regularly voiced his support for a woman’s right to make her own medical decisions. He has fought to protect community health clinics across the state of Alaska, which provide cancer screenings, preventative care, and prenatal care. Begich’s efforts have garnered praise from numerous women’s groups, including Planned Parenthood and NARAL.

