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Outside Group Continues to Misrepresent Mark Begich’s Accomplishments as Mayor


ANCHORAGE- An Outside group run by Karl Rove is distorting history in its continued efforts to buy Alaska’s senate seat for Dan Sullivan fueled by millions of dollars in secret money. The latest attack hurls distorted “facts” in an attempt to discredit Mark Begich’s successful two terms as Anchorage mayor.

In 2003 Begich inherited a $33 million debt, which he turned around by working with the Anchorage Assembly and city employees. Begich’s financial stewardship earned Anchorage a “AA” bond rating and put the city in a strong position to withstand the nationwide recessions and stock market crash that devastated cities across the country.

“Mark Begich turned around a $33 million debt he inherited when he became mayor of Anchorage while making record investments in Anchorage roads, improving Anchorage’s small business climate and building a new convention center and worked to strengthen the community. Mark Begich didn’t waste time by pointing fingers as mayor, he took action and turned the city around,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich. “When Dan Sullivan shot a TV ad on top of the Dena’ina Center calling for a Senator who gets ‘results’ he proved he knows little to nothing about what Anchorage and Mark Begich have accomplished in the last decade and what needs to be done in the next decade.”

The attack ad comes from Crossroads GPS an organization attempting to buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat for Dan Sullivan. The organization proved earlier in the year it knows little about Alaska when attempting to turn the tragic Arizona VA scandal into a political attack in Alaska.

Here’s what residents of Anchorage are saying about Mark Begich’s time as mayor:

“Senator Begich’s terms as mayor brought a safe and vibrant downtown Anchorage that was ideal when my partners and I started our business. He truly cares about Alaska and fashioned a positive climate for small businesses like mine. Little did I know in working with him on getting the convention center built, that I’d be creating a booming clientele of convention goers who support my restaurant and the Anchorage/Alaskan economy as a whole. Senator Begich has my full support to keep fighting on the DC front to keep our Alaskan economy going strong,” said successful Anchorage small business owner, Scott Anaya.

“Everyone knows that Anchorage is Mark’s hometown and he’s very proud of this city. Skeptics said Anchorage would never have a new convention center, but he built the Dena’ina. He built more roads than any other mayor, plowed our streets and invested in schools. Mark helped make Anchorage the city we all believed it can be,” said Anchorage real estate broker, Art Clark.

Here is how the Alaska’s largest newspaper, the Anchorage Daily News (now Alaska Dispatch News), reported on Mark Begich’s tenure as Anchorage’s mayor:

Anchorage Daily News Editorial: “Our view: Fine job, Mr. Mayor.”[Editorial, Anchorage Daily News, 1/3/09]

Anchorage Daily News: “Anchorage maintains its high rating on short-term bonds.” [Anchorage Daily News, 2/8/10]

Anchorage Daily News Ad Analysis Confirmed City Of Anchorage Added More Than 9,000 Jobs During Begich’s Tenure As Mayor. [Anchorage Daily News, 8/17/08]

Anchorage Daily News 2008: For First Time In 10 Years, Taxes Paid By Average Anchorage Homeowner Dropped By 3%.[Anchorage Daily News, 3/30/08]
