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Outside Attacks on Begich “Embarrassing”

Republican: “A million and a half dollars that got flushed down the toilet”


A Republican strategist controlling millions of dollars in ads attacking Mark Begich is labeling Outside spending a waste of money.

Strategist Art Hackney told The Guardian attack ads, like those run by the Koch Brothers and Karl Rove, are the equivalent of “a million and a half dollars that got flushed down the toilet.”

“Alaskans rejected the Koch Brothers and Karl Rove after they used a Maryland woman posing as an Alaskan in their ads and have have been repeatedly called out by independent fact checkers for their false attacks against Mark Begich. Now, even long time Republican operatives in Alaska have had enough,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

The Guardian characterized Outside attacks as embarrassing and not Alaskan.

The comments carry extra weight as Art Hackney is employed by Karl Rove’s Crossroads and continues to direct and orchestrate Outside attacks on Mark Begich.

Outside groups like those run by the Kochs and Rove have spent millions in Alaska and are committed to spend over$12 millionby November, almost all attacking Mark Begich.
