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New Radio Ad: Begich Delivered As Mayor

“What I Like About Mark Is That He’ll Go Anywhere And Work With Anyone To Do What’s Right For Alaskans”


ANCHORAGE- Alaskans for Begich new radio ad features Denis LeBlanc, a top official in the mayoral administrations of both George Wuerch and Mark Begich and 30-year oil industry veteran. LeBlanc sets the record straight about Mark Begich’s tenure as mayor citing Begich’s work to eliminate a $33 million budget deficit and increased investments in police, firefighters, new roads and schools.

Alaska’s airwaves are inundated with millions of dollars in misleading attacks funded by Outside groups like Dan Sullivan’s parents, the billionaire Koch brothers, and Karl Rove in an attempt buy Alaska’s senate seat. “Begich Delivered As Mayor” highlights Mark Begich’s work as mayor and as Alaska’s U.S. Senator, where he’s consistently stood up to his party and worked across the aisle to deliver results for his constituents.


Transcript of “Begich Delivered As Mayor“:

Denis LeBlanc: My name is Denis LeBlanc and I was a top official in both Republican George Wuerch and Mark Begich’s mayoral administrations. I also spent 30 years in the oil industry, where what you do matters more than what you say. These Outside attack ads are saying a lot of misleading things about Mark Begich’s record as mayor. But I can tell you what Mark actually did was eliminate the $33 million budget deficit he inherited. He balanced the budget every year. Kept property taxes in check. And invested in police, firefighters, new roads and schools. And Mark Begich took that same “get it done” approach to the Senate . . .where he fought Obama to open the Arctic for drilling, fix Alaska’s VA and exempt Alaska schools from No Child Left Behind. What I like about Mark is that he’ll go anywhere and work with anyone to do what’s right for Alaskans.

Begich: I’m Mark Begich, running for U.S. Senate and I approve this message.

Narrator: Paid for by Alaskans for Begich.

Read the ad backup here.

Read the Politico story below:

Begich ad, presser pushing back on mayoral record

10/20/14 1:00 PM EDT

Alaska Democratic Sen. Mark Begich will begin pushing back on attacks aimed at his tenure as Anchorage mayor today with a new TV and radio ad.

Begich will hold a press conference with Anchorage residents at 2 p.m. AKDT today at the intersection of Tudor Road and Lake Otis Boulevard. He helped make the once-dangerous intersection safe, and locals will thank him for redevelopment efforts.

The freshman senator is responding after heavy outside spending attacks that accused him of leaving a fiscal mess behind when he got elected to the Senate in 2008.

Begich’s campaign had thought the attacks would not stick: Much of the state’s population lives in or around its biggest city, and he was perceived as an effective mayor six years ago when he edged then-Sen. Ted Stevens.

But there have been enough points behind the line of attack that he is debuting a TV and radio ad, both shared first with POLITICO. A flyer at the presser will offer a long list of things he got done for the city as mayor.

In the TV ad, produced by Mark Putnam, a narrator asks, “What was Mark Begich’s real record as mayor?”

“Over 9,000 new jobs, he eliminated a $33 million deficit and invested in police firefighters and schools,” the narrator says. “Then, as senator, he took on Obama to fix Alaska’s VA, exempt our schools from No Child Left Behind and is taking responsibility for fixing the health care law so it works for Alaska.”

In the radio ad, Denis LeBlanc, a top adviser to both Begich and Republican Mayor George Wuerch, defends his record.

“I also spent 30 years in the oil industry, where what you do matters more than what you say,” LeBlanc says. “These outside attack ads are saying a lot of misleading things about Mark Begich’s record as mayor. But I can tell you what Mark actually did was eliminate the $33-million budget deficit he inherited. He balanced the budget every year, kept property taxes in check and invested in police, firefighters, new roads and schools.”

LeBlanc says Begich took the same “get it done” approach to the Senate: “He fought Obama to open the Arctic for drilling, fix Alaska’s VA and exempt Alaska schools from No Child Left Behind. What I like about Mark is that he’ll go anywhere and work with anyone to do what’s right for Alaskans.”

Watch the ad here.

— James Hohmann
