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New Fairbanks Radio Ad: Best Choice


ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senator Mark Begich is highlighting his efforts to deliver for Fairbanks and the Interior in his latest radio ad.

“Mark Begich has fought for Interior Alaska and Fairbanks because he knows its strategic military importance, role as a hub of Alaska resource development and economic growth opportunities. Begich fought to keep the F-16s at Eielson, worked to get two new squadrons of F-35s, fought the EPA over the Tanana River bridge and battled to keep the missile silos at Fort Greely. In a second term, Mark Begich will continue to fight for Alaskans and use his clout to deliver for Interior Alaska,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Mark Begich has received support from many leaders in the Interior of Alaska and Alaskans for Begich has released several ads focused on his record of work and support from the region. Three Mayors features Fairbanks Mayor John Eberhart, Fairbanks Borough Mayor Luke Hopkins, and former Borough Mayor Jim Whitaker. Four Stars, features retired combat veteran Troy Bouffard discussing Begich’s work to keep the F-16s at Eielson. Big Fan features Fairbanks Council Member Renee Staley sharing her story of working with Begich in a bipartisan manner to help bring well-paying jobs to the region.


Transcript of Best Choice:

Narrator: Who’s the best choice to be Alaska’s Senator? You can look around Fairbanks to see the answer. Mark Begich worked with Lisa and Don to keep our F-16s at Eielson, saving 3,000 jobs. Mark even held up an Air Force General’s 4th star when the Pentagon was dragging its feet. And Begich worked with Lisa and Don to get Eielson two new squadrons of F-35s, which means even more jobs. Mark fought the Obama Administration to save the missile silos at Fort Greely, to restart the Healy clean coal plant, and he forced the EPA to approve the Tanana River bridge. And Mark Begich took on Obama to open up drilling in the Arctic, bringing a billion dollars in new investments and over 500 jobs to Alaska. Now Mark is working to bring a natural gas system to Fairbanks, to reduce our energy prices. Mark Begich, delivering for Fairbanks, doing what’s right for Alaskans.

Begich: I’m Mark Begich, running for U.S. Senate, and I approve this message

Narrator: Paid for by Alaskans for Begich
