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New Ad: “Great Team”

27-Year Navy Fighter Pilot Touts Begich-Murkowski Partnership


Mark Begich is up with a new ad featuring a 27-year Navy fighter pilot and lifelong Republican who has supported Senator Ted Stevens and Senator Lisa Murkowski and is now voting for Mark Begich.

Alaska veteran Skip Nelson points out that Alaska’s senators vote together as much as 80% of the time, according to the independent fact check organization PolitiFact.

Click Here to Read More About Begich’s Record of Teaming Up with Senator Murkowski

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“We’re fortunate to have two senators that understand our business and understand how to support it…Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich vote as much as 80% of the time together. I don’t think we ought break up that team,” says Nelson.

Begich and Murkowski work together and vote together on a number of different issues important to Alaska, including aviation. Begich is the co-founder of the Senate Aviation Caucus and fought alongside Lisa Murkowski and Congressman Don Young to save the Essential Air Service program from unfair budget cuts that would harm rural Alaska. Begich also sits on the Senate Commerce Committee which oversees aviation issues.

Murkowski and Begich voted together more than any other pair of senators from opposing parties and ruled the two vote together 80% of the time: 148 times out of 183 total votes, or 80.8% of the time in 2014. CQ also ruled that the pair vote together more than any other pair of Democrat - Republican delegations.


SKIP NELSON: Aviation – especially aviation in Alaska – is a difficult business. Sometimes a very dangerous business. We’re fortunate to have two senators that understand our business and understand how to support it. I’ve been a lifelong Republican. I voted for Ted Stevens, I voted for Lisa Murkowski. Now I’m voting for Mark Begich. Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich vote as much as 80% of the time together. I don’t think we ought to break up that team.

MARK BEGICH: I’m Mark Begich, and I approve this message.
