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Mark Begich: Working to Expand Opportunity for Young Alaskans

Begich Rolls Out Youth Plan


ANCHORAGE — Mark Begich knows that access to good paying jobs, affordable education opportunities and job training programs are some of the most essential pieces to achieving the American dream, which is why he has made these issues a top priority in the Senate for both current and future generations.

This is the tenth policy plan Begich has released since August because Begich understands that Alaskans expect their elected officials to outline detailed plans for the future and answer tough questions.

Specifically, Begich is focused on working to make college affordable, lower student loan rates, create accessible job training programs, and expand technical education options.


As someone who started and ran several small businesses, Mark knows there are many paths to success and traditional educational programs don’t always provide all of the skills Alaskans need:


“A quality education should be within reach for all Alaskans – regardless of economic background. As the father of a young son, I know the importance of providing both early education in addition to job training programs and an affordable college education. Alaskans deserve these opportunities and I am committed to fighting for them in a second term in the U.S. Senate,” said Senator Mark Begich.


During his first term in the Senate, Mark has pushed for affordable college and technical education options, lower student loan rates, and accessible job training programs that lead directly to employment, but there’s still more work to do.

Making College More Affordable

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have parents or family members who can finance their education for them. In his second term, Mark will continue to fight so that Alaskans who pursue a higher education aren’t saddled with debt for years.

Mark Begich will:

  • Push for lower student loan rates and equal treatment for student loans as big banks;
  • Allow students to refinance their loans;
  • Restore equal loan access to Alaskans seeking an advanced degree;
  • Expand work-study programs and summer employment;

Expanding Educational Opportunity for Alaskans

Mark knows getting a good paying job in Alaska’s dynamic economy often may require technical skills specific to one position or industry, like mining or petroleum engineering for new projects in NPR-A or the Arctic- and we need to fill these jobs with home-grown talent.

Mark Begich will:

  • Protect education choices and promote workforce development programs;
  • Expand veterans’ educational opportunity;
  • Ease veterans’ transition to private sector employment;
  • Strengthen Post-9/11 GI Bill for apprenticeships, on-the job training programs,and educational materials;senate
  • Create additional job training programs targeted to Alaska industries like timber, oil production, and fishing;
  • Advance Alaska Native priorities.


Promoting Career Choice and Income Security

Alaskans are hard workers willing to put in the time and effort to prepare themselves. Some Alaskans, like Mark, want to become entrepreneurs or small business owners, which requires different resources and skills.


Mark Begich will:

  • Raise the minimum wage to $10.10;
  • Fully fund Americorps;
  • Support young entrepreneurship through small initial loans;
  • Expand loan forgiveness programs for skilled professionals, like doctors, nurses, and mental health counselors, to serve in rural and high need areas.
