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Hobby Lobby Decision: Sullivan, Treadwell, Miller Back Government Invasion of Privacy

Decision Lets Employers Impose Personal Views on Women’s Health Care Decisions, Access to Birth Control


Today’s Supreme Court ruling reminds Alaska women that Dan Sullivan, Mead Treadwell, and Joe Miller believe employers and the government should invade a woman’s privacy and make health care decisions for them.

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of a lawsuit brought in part by the chain Hobby Lobby. As a result, employers can take away employee access to contraception and reproductive health care services, potentially costing Alaska women hundreds of dollars more per year.

“As if today’s Supreme Court decision weren’t already bad enough for Alaska women, GOP candidates Dan Sullivan, Joe Miller and Mead Treadwell support this gross violation of privacy. Alaska women are taking note of their anti-family, anti-woman agenda,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign Manager for Alaskans for Begich.

Mark Begich is the only candidate who believes women deserve equal pay for equal work and the ability to make their own decisions health care decisions.

Sullivan, Treadwell and Miller have all voiced their opposition to a woman’s right to choose and their support of the Hobby Lobby lawsuit, which now allows bosses to cancel doctor’s visits for women’s coverage of reproductive health care. The three candidates are also opposed to employer coverage of reproductive services like birth control which will cost Alaska women hundreds of dollars a month.
