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Dan Sullivan Tried to Skip Kodiak Fish Debate

Sullivan was “Too Busy” to Answer Questions From Alaska Fishermen


ANCHORAGE- Alaskans have not forgotten Dan Sullivan originally refused to attend the Kodiak fisheries debate, an Alaska tradition. Sullivan was forced to cave when pressure from voters reached a fever pitch. Dan Sullivan’s campaign said he didn’t have a prior commitment but was just “too busy.”

Here’s some of what Alaskans said about Dan Sullivan’s attempt avoid questions from Alaska fishermen:

Alaska Dispatch News: Sullivan Will Miss Kodiak Fisheries Debate

“Sullivan campaign manager Ben Sparks told debate organizers that Sullivan does not have a prior commitment keeping him from the fisheries debate, but that “he is just too busy with all the traveling he is doing.” The two-hour debate is broadcast live to over 330 Alaska communities.”

KMXT Kodiak: Spokesman: Scheduling Conflict Keeping Sullivan from Fishery Debate

“A spokesman for Alaska Republican hopeful Dan Sullivan has told KMXT that inevitable scheduling conflicts are behind the candidate missing the fisheries debate in Kodiak scheduled for October 1st.”

Alaskans now know Dan Sullivan’s scheduling conflict was a fundraising trip to Cleveland, Ohio.

Cleveland Plain Dealer: Alaska (and Ohio’s) Dan Sullivan Returns to His Hometown for a Fundraiser

“Sullivan, a Republican with a prominent family in Northeast Ohio, must be feeling at least a little positive, given that he came back to his hometown to raise more money today…According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the Cleveland area is by far the biggest base of money for Sullivan, whose family runs RPM International, the coatings and sealants giant.”

The Kodiak Chamber of Commerce fisheries debate will be held tonight at 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. AKST. The debate will be livecast over Kodiak Public Radio and heard in 330 communities around the state.
