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Dan Sullivan Skips Anchorage Chamber Debate

Sullivan relies on DC connections instead of Anchorage businesses


ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich and Libertarian Mark Fish debated issues important to Alaska at the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce today. Despite claiming to be a pro-business candidate, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan refused to attend the event and would not disclose where he was instead.

Sullivan has refused to attend multiple forums and debates across Alaska and has requested on occasion for the forums not to be broadcast or livestreamed. Sullivan continues to rely on national talking points the Alaska Dispatch News has called “broad and vague.”

“Dan Sullivan won’t tell Alaskans where he was today instead of accepting a months old invitation from the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce. Sullivan is hiding behind shadowy Outside groups like the Koch brothers and Sullivan’s wealthy Ohio family who, like Sullivan, refuse to be accountable to Alaskans. Dan Sullivan touted his endorsement from the partisan anti-Alaska U.S. Chamber of Commerce, but refuses to attend the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce because he’s running to represent Outside interests,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Alaskans are still waiting to hear from Dan Sullivan on a host of issues including the Voting Rights Act, the Ryan Plan, the Violence Against Women (VAWA) exception for Alaska, permanent authorization of the Indian Health Service, how he would protect postal service in Alaska and has waffled on whether he supports an increase in the state minimum wage.
