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Dan Sullivan To Skip Fish Debate

“History shows that since 1990, no candidate who has skipped the Kodiak fisheries debate has gone on to win their election.”

CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — Despite the tens of thousands of jobs Alaska’s fisheries provide, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan will be “too busy” to participate in the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce’s fisheries debate, an Alaska tradition for statewide candidates dating back to 1990. Sullivan has no standing commitments on the day of the October 1 debate.

“It is the second time this year that Sullivan has declined to participate in the Chamber of Commerce event that has been an election year tradition since 1990.” [Welch, Alaska Dispatch News, 9/8/2023]

Alaska’s commercial fisheries are worth billions of dollars and are Alaska’s largest private employer. Sullivan’s unwillingness to debate raises serious questions about his understanding of a unique Alaska industry vital to life in Alaska’s coastal communities.

“I can’t recall a time that a candidate has not participated in the Kodiak debate. It’s a must-do for statewide candidates. It’s not an option. It’s clear he doesn’t have the same Alaska values as we do when it comes to our fisheries, and I think he is doing an incredible disservice to Alaskans,” said Senator Mark Begich.

Republican primary opponent Mead Treadwell regularly raised concerns about Sullivan’s knowledge of Alaska fisheries and the need for a U.S. Senator who has a full understanding of the industry and diverse fishing interests.

Senator Begich continues to amass support from the fishing industry, touting a rare endorsement just this week from the Purse Seine Vessel Owners Association (PSVOA), whose Executive Director praised Begich for his “deep interest in the commercial fishery and its importance in maintaining sustainable coastal communities.” Begich is also endorsed by the United Fishermen of Alaska.

As chairman of the U.S. Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Oceans, which has jurisdiction over federal fisheries management, Mark Begich is proud to play a leading role in reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act which will help protect and strengthen Alaska’s fishing industry.

Read Laine Welch’s article below:


Laine Welch: Sullivan will miss Kodiak fisheries debate

September 8, 2023

“Surprised and disappointed” was the reaction by Sen. Mark Begich upon learning that his opponent Dan Sullivan has bowed out of an Oct. 1 fisheries debate in Kodiak. It is the second time this year that Sullivan has declined to participate in the Chamber of Commerce event that has been an election year tradition since 1990.

“I can’t recall a time that a candidate has not participated in the Kodiak debate,” Begich said as he readied to head back to Washington, D.C., on Friday. “It’s a must-do for statewide candidates. It’s not an option. It’s clear he doesn’t have the same Alaska values as we do when it comes to our fisheries, and I think he is doing an incredible disservice to Alaskans. But that is his MO. He avoids issues, only shows up at very controlled settings, and talks in bumper stickers and applause lines, and that’s all he likes to do.”

Sullivan campaign manager Ben Sparks told debate organizers that Sullivan does not have a prior commitment keeping him from the fisheries debate, but that “he is just too busy with all the traveling he is doing.” The two-hour debate is broadcast live to over 330 Alaska communities.

“I think it’s a shame because Alaskans will miss out on a forum that focuses on the largest employer in the state,” Begich added. “Seafood is our biggest export by far and nearly 85 percent of all the fish caught in Alaska comes from waters that are under federal jurisdiction. If you can’t even have a debate, how do Alaskans know where he stands?”

Sullivan already has a reputation for shunning Alaska media and was criticized last week for avoiding a debate on Native rights issues in Juneau.

“The Alaska way is to debate fiercely, discuss, find solutions to challenges, and move forward. It is not to abandon, run, hide and not talk to people who might disagree with you,” Begich retorted. “You have to show up in order to work together. He is unwilling to talk about issues that are important to Alaska, and leaving thousands of Alaskans wondering where he stands.”

The fisheries debate will go on, said Trevor Brown, executive director of the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce.

“We have pre-sold lots of sponsorships and lined up all the radio stations. Sen. Begich will be there, and hopefully, other third party U.S. Senate candidates. We also are talking about adding an hour for U.S. House candidates Don Young and Forrest Dunbar if both can make it,” Brown said.

History shows that since 1990, no candidate who has skipped the Kodiak fisheries debate has gone on to win their election. Case in point: Sean Parnell vs. Don Young in 2008.