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Dan Sullivan: No Education Platform

Mark Begich: Throw out No Child Left Behind


ANCHORAGE- After dodging questions from high school students at a public forum hosted by the Anchorage School District, Dan Sullivan continues to maintain a strict silence on education issues, leaving Alaska students, teachers and administrators with few ideas about what radical policies he would force on Alaska’s schools. Even Sullivan’s campaign website refuses to address education.

Sullivan’s extreme Outside backers of billionaires like the Koch brothers and U.S. Chamber of Commerce are filling the silence with their support for policies Alaskans oppose, like No Child Left Behind and vouchers that would drain public dollars out of public schools.

The Chamber of Commerce has spent millions on Alaska’s Senate race in support of Dan Sullivan while slamming Alaska teachers by giving them a “D” grade.

“Alaska parents have no idea what Dan Sullivan’s education priorities are since he allows his extreme supporters like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce do the talking for him - letting Outside groups slam Alaska educators and students. Alaska families don’t know what policies Sullivan would force on Alaska schools, but they do know Mark Begich opposes the No Child Left Behind Act. Mark Begich has stood up to the Obama Administration to oppose this flawed policy and will continue to fight for Alaska families and children and common sense education policies,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Alaska educators, students and parents know Begich fought the one size fits all model of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and used his clout on the Senate Appropriations Committee to bring increased funding for Title I schools. Begich also pushed legislation to provide for housing in rural areas to help recruit teachers to underserved communities, provide for early education programs, and advocated for comprehensive STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) programs in Alaska schools.

During the 2008 U.S. Senate campaign, Mark Begich promised to work to help Alaska get out from under NCLB. During his first term he kept his promise and worked with the State of Alaska and the Department of Education to help get a waiver from the strict regulations imposed by NCLB.

Begich released his Women and Families plan this week which highlights his priorities for improving education in Alaska:

  • Recruit more early education teachers and offset the cost of their education
  • Provide up to $3,000 in tax credits to families so they can put their children in quality early childhood education programs
  • Expand after school and summer programs so working families have a safe and supportive place for children while school is not in session
