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Court Slams Koch Brothers for Running out on Alaskans

Rules Kochs Can’t Shirk Responsibility for Flint Hills Cleanup


A court has ruled the Koch brothers can’t cut and run on their responsibility to clean up contamination in North Pole, where they closed a refinery, laid off Alaskans and tried to shift responsibility for the cleanup to Alaskans.

The decision comes after the billionaires cut 80 jobs and plan to shutter the refinery, causing damage to the local economy and raising taxes on Alaskans.

“The Koch brothers have spent hundreds of millions on political attack ads while turning their back on Alaska by raising taxes on Alaskans by closing the Flint Hills refinery, firing 80 Alaskans and trying to leave behind contaminated groundwater,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

The billionaire Koch brothers who closed the Flint Hills refinery have funded false and misleading attack ads in Alaska from three separate Outside groups. They have spent $2.9 million in Alaska on ads declared “false” and “not true” by independent fact check organizations.
