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Campaign Statement On Sullivan’s Desperate Request For Outside Reinforcements

Struggling To Motivate Alaskans, Sullivan Forced To Call For Help From Outsiders


ANCHORAGE — In the closing days of the election, Dan Sullivan has been forced to recruit Outside reinforcements to stump on his behalf. According to the Washington Post, Sullivan will be hosting non-Alaskans, Mitt Romney and Ted Cruz, at events over the weekend in an attempt to drum up support for his bid for Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat.

“Throughout his bid for U.S. Senate, Dan Sullivan has struggled to connect with Alaskans because he has skipped debates, dodged opportunities to meet one-on-one with Alaskans, and held very few public events. Dan Sullivan has relied heavily on his supporters in the Lower 48, like the Koch brothers and Karl Rove, to attack Mark Begich and prop up his campaign. Now, as Election Day draws closer, Dan Sullivan is forced to rely on Outside surrogates to headline his events because he wants to represent their interests, not Alaska’s,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, campaign manager for Alaskans for Begich.

During the final week of the campaign, Mark Begich remains focused on meeting with Alaskans and talking to them about his work in the U.S. Senate and his goals for a second term. Mark Begich’s mom, Pegge, and his wife, Deborah, will also be traveling around the state, attending events and talking one-on-one with Alaskans.
