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Campaign Statement on Plan to Arm Syrian Rebels

ANCHORAGE — Today, the U.S. Senate passed a measure including President Obama’s request to provide federal funds to arm an unknown group of Syrian rebels. Begich’s opponent Dan Sullivan was quick to support President Obama’s request and call for the U.S. to take steps toward putting American boots on the ground.

Alaskans for Begich released the following statement in response to Dan Sullivan’s call to fund unknown Syrian rebels from Alaskans for Begich Communications Director Max Croes:

“Mark Begich adamantly opposes President Obama and Dan Sullivan’s shared support for arming an unknown group of Syrian rebels and advancing our nation closer to putting American boots on the ground. American troops served bravely and nobly in Iraq and Afghanistan and we owe it to our troops to further consider America’s options, not follow Sullivan and Obama into an open-ended commitment. Dan Sullivan’s solution of sending American weaponry and federal funding across the globe to Syrian groups should have been a stand alone vote in the Senate. Mark Begich believes our nation should continue to consider using our strength and assets to eliminate the ISIS threat through targeted airstrikes, humanitarian aid, and through all means necessary to get the Arab nations to step up with resources and take the lead in eliminating ISIS. Mark Begich is focused on standing up for Alaskans and making sure America’s already strained fiscal and military resources are used wisely.”

Mark Begich voted against today’s measure and was joined by 21 Republicans and Democrats, including Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Joe Manchin in opposing President Obama’s request to arm the rebels.
