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Buzzfeed List: The Koch Brothers and Alaska

“They’re not from Alaska, but they’re trying to buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat.”

CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — Alaskans for Begich has released a Buzzfeed list underlining the Koch Brothers efforts to buy Alaska’s senate seat by highlighting their decidedly anti-Alaska history of shuttering a refinery, slashing 80 jobs, driving up the price of asphalt and spending millions on attack ads that could have been used to keep the refinery open.


The Koch brothers and Outside groups like them are spending $12 million on attack ads in Alaska in support of Dan Sullivan. The Kochs were mocked for using a Maryland actress in an Alaska TV ad and their operatives showed an lack of knowledge about Alaska by awkwardly calling Alaska a “peninsular” state in a secret meeting. The meeting, leaked to the media, revealed the Kochs intent to buy Alaska’s senate seat by dumping millions on to the airwaves.