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Bristol Bay Times/Dutch Harbor Fisherman Endorses Mark Begich


ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich has earned an endorsement from the the Bristol Bay Times & Dutch Harbor Fisherman, the primary newspapers serving Dillingham, Naknek, King Salmon, Southwest Villages and the Aleutians. The endorsement touts Begich’s bipartisan approach to solving problems, the significance of his seat on the powerful Appropriations Committee, and his work supporting subsistence.

Jason Evans, publisher, writes in the endorsement:

“I also feel we need a balance in our country. We need both Republicans and Democrats. We need ideas from both sides to make better decisions. Two years ago I voted for Sen. Lisa Murkowski and this year I voted for Sen. Begich.”

Begich has also received reelection endorsements from the Arctic Sounder, Juneau Empire, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, Phoenix Seward Log, and the Anchorage Press.
