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Begich Shows Record of Delivering for Fairbanks at Debate

Sullivan Silent on Right to Work Legislation, Oil Speculation


ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich participated in a candidate forum at the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce where he pointed to his record of developing Alaska’s resources and opening up the Arctic to the first oil and gas drilling it has seen in decades.

Meanwhile, Dan Sullivan decided to stick to his tired script of washed up “talking points.” Sullivan offered no substance on Alaska issues while ducking and dodging questions on Right to Work legislation, refusing to reveal his support for the Pebble Mine and failing to denounce the Citizen’s United Supreme Court decision and permanently keep dark money out of elections.

“As made clear by the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner’s endorsement, Mark Begich’s record stands on its own when it comes to delivering for Fairbanks: keeping the F-16s at Eielson, working to secure two new squadrons of F-35s in Alaska and creating thousands of jobs across the state. Meanwhile, Dan Sullivan’s non-existent record was clear as he grasped at straws and ducked from his already blatant support for harmful Right to Work legislation and the millions he has received from the Koch brothers,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Sullivan has said that he supports Right to Work policies and is backed by the Koch Brothers funded National Federation of Independent Businesses, who is in favor of it.

Sullivan is backed by Outside billionaires and millionaires like the Koch brothers, New York hedge-fund manager Paul Singer, Donald Trump, Texas billionaire and NFL franchise owner Bob McNair, and his wealthy Ohio based parents who have dumped nearly $700,000 into the race.

Since taking office in 2009, Mark Begich has consistently fought for Fairbanks and Interior Alaska. Begich fought to keep the F-16s at Eielson, worked to get two new squadrons of F-35s, fought the EPA over the Tanana River bridge and battled to keep the missile silos at Fort Greely.

Begich also received the endorsement of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner for reelection to the U.S. Senate. According to Alaska journalists this is the News-Miner’s first endorsement of a Democrat for U.S. Senate since Senator E.L. Bob Bartlett (U.S. Senator for Alaska 1959 – 1968).

Begich’s record of delivering for Fairbanks:

Washington Post: Begich Fought To Keep Military Bases Funded And F-16 Fighter Jets In Alaska. Reported the Washington Post in January 2014, “He fights to keep military bases funded and F-16 jets housed in his state, and he supports climate-change legislation, knowing that Alaska is ground zero for its effects.” [Washington Post, 1/21/14]

Begich Successfully Pressed Regulators To Approve Colville River Bridge To Allow ConocoPhillips To Move Forward On NPR-A Drilling. Reported Hearst in February 2014, “Begich has cast himself as a ‘different Democrat’ from day one — departing from the national party on gun control as well as energy policy. Begich pressed regulators to allow ConocoPhillips to build a bridge over Alaska’s Colville River, despite environmental objections, so the company could access its drilling lease in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. That milestone in late 2011 paved the way for production expected to start late next year.” [Hearst, 2/13/14]

Begich Placed Hold On Promotion Of Air Force General To Demand Answers On Proposal To Move F-16 Squadron From Eielson. Reported the Fairbanks News-Miner in April 2012, “Frustrated by a lack of answers about the proposed move of an Eielson Air Force base squadron, Sen. Mark Begich has stalled the promotion of an Air Force lieutenant general until he gets more information. The Alaska Democrat notified Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Senate leaders of the move on Thursday. He’s asked that the Senate Armed Services Committee halt the nomination process for Lt. Gen. Herbert J. Carlisle, who is being considered for promotion to four-star general and as Commander of Pacific Air Forces.” [Fairbanks News-Miner, 4/20/12]

Begich, Murkowski & Young Wrote To Air Force Leadership To Press For F-35 Squadron At Eielson. Reported the Associated Press in October 2013, “Alaska’s congressional delegation is lobbying Air Force leaders to base F-35 Joint Strike Fighters at Eielson Air Force Base in Fairbanks. U.S. Sens. Mark Begich and Lisa Murkowski, along with Rep. Don Young, sent a letter to Acting Secretary of the Air Force Eric Fanning and Air Force Chief of Staff Mark Walsh touting the value and strategic location of Eielson. Once destined for part-time status, the Air Force earlier this month decided to keep an F-16 squadron at Eielson and not move it to an Anchorage base. The delegation says in a release that the Air Force plans to release an initial candidate base for the F-35s in late November and a preferred list by February.” [Associated Press, 10/16/13]

Air Force Locating 48 F-35 Fighter Jets At Eielson Would Bring About 3,000 Military And Civilians Jobs To The North Pole Area.“Earlier this month the Air Force announced that Eielson Air Force Base is the ‘preferred alternative’ to host two squadrons of F-35 aircraft, the Air Force’s newest fighter jet. Such a move would bring 48 aircraft and about 3,000 military and civilian jobs to the North Pole area. The planes wouldn’t arrive until at least 2019. The Air Force doesn’t plan to officially pick the next F-35 base until fall of 2015, although the service has confirmed that no other bases besides Eielson are being studied.” [Fairbanks News-Miner, 8/22/14]

Recovery Act Provided $10 Million To Fairbanks North Star Borough School Board To Help Students Prepare For College And Careers.The Juneau Empire reported, “The Fairbanks North Star Borough School Board plans to formally accept $10 million in federal stimulus moneyTuesday, a move that will ad The Fairbanks North Star Borough School Board plans to formally accept $10 million in federal stimulus moneyTuesday, a move that will add more than a dozen new jobs while helping the district start programs aimed at helping students prepare for college and careers.d more than a dozen new jobs while helping the district start programs aimed at helping students prepare for college and careers. Since the spring, district officials have met with teachers, parents and members of the community to decide how to spend the funds. Following a work session in June, the district approved projects based on three factors: grant requirements, how the project would benefit students and sustainability after the three-year grants run out.” [Juneau Empire, 10/20/09]
