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Begich Showcases Results & Solutions

Veterans, Ebola, ISIS & Military Sexual Assault — Begich Proposed Solutions


ANCHORAGE — In Channel 2’s U.S. Senate debate Mark Begich put his record of results and serious solutions front and center while Dan Sullivan continued to rely on talking points and avoid Alaska issues as basic as earmarks.

“Before tonight’s debate the Koch brothers committed another $600,000 to attack ads against Mark Begich. Tonight Alaskans saw what the Kochs, Karl Rove and Outside groups are paying for in Dan Sullivan, a candidate who won’t discuss issues important to Alaska who is trying to buy a Senate seat for himself, not Alaskans,” said Max Croes, Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

Mark Begich continued to showcase the results he’s delivered on behalf of Alaska and the serious solutions he puts forward to address issues important to Alaska.
  • Veterans — VA wait times in Alaska were brought down from over 900 to nearly zero after Mark Begich promoted agreements between local health care clinics and the VA to deliver care closer to home. Alaska veterans can now receive health care from local clinics, without having to travel to Anchorage or Seattle for care.
  • Ebola — Begich demanded the Centers for Disease Control provide Ebola kits for Alaska, supports screening and quarantine efforts at airports and has personally visited two Alaska hospitals to discuss Ebola readiness.
  • ISIS — Begich has made clear that Arab nations need to step up and provide combat troops and support. America can’t provide hundreds of millions in cash and weapons to unknown Syrian rebels committing our nation to another open-ended conflict in the Middle East.
  • Military Sexual Assault — Perpetrators of sexual assault shouldn’t be able to adjudicate the claims of victims. Begich supports taking military sexual assault prosecution out of the chain of command, condemned the failed response of the Alaska National Guard to sexual assaults and has supported legislation to enhance the ability to initiate investigations into reports of sexual assault and misconduct in the National Guard.
