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Begich: Nation Should Adopt Alaska Law, Shut Off Koch Spigot

ANCHORAGE — Mark Begich is calling on the nation to adopt Alaska law requiring political candidates or groups to disclose their top three donors in any campaign ad. The proposal is part of Mark Begich’s campaign finance reform platform which includes specific steps and recommendations to increase transparency and correct the influence of billionaires and corporations after the flawed Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United case.

U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan supports unlimited spending by secret Outside groups, billionaires and corporations.

The billionaire Koch brothers have spent millions in Alaska while killing Alaska jobs at the Flint Hills refinery and spending millions in support of his candidacy. The Koch brothers and Outside groups like them are spending $12 million on attack ads in Alaska in support of Dan Sullivan. The Kochs were mocked for using a Maryland actress in an Alaska TV ad and their operatives showed an lack of knowledge about Alaska by awkwardly calling Alaska a “peninsular” state in a secret meeting. The meeting, leaked to the media, revealed the Kochs intent to buy Alaska’s senate seat by dumping millions on to the airwaves.

“Alaska is a model for increased campaign contribution transparency. The federal government could really learn a few things from our campaign laws which require disclosure of who’s paying for advertisements and contributing to campaigns, both for politicians and independent expenditures. If an Outside group can’t disclose their top three contributors in an advertisement then they shouldn’t be spending money on it,” said Senator Mark Begich.


Mark Begich supports a constitutional amendment to permanently overturn the Citizens United ruling and has signed the We The People Alaska pledge stating his belief that corporations are not people.

Mark Begich has supported transparency efforts such as the DISCLOSE Act, legislation Dan Sullivan does not support, and supports Alaska state law which requires ads to disclose top donors.
