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Begich Fights for Social Security and Medicare

Receives Endorsement from National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare

CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE-Senator Mark Begich was gifted a pair of boxing gloves by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (NCPSSM) for his work fighting to strengthen Social Security and Medicare.

“Mark Begich has gone to the mat for Social Security and to fight for vital programs for our seniors. Mark knows that Social Security doesn’t add a dime to the deficit and provides millions of seniors every year a lifeline so they can retire with dignity. Seniors know Dan Sullivan’s dangerous plan to means test Social Security and raise the retirement age would reduce benefits, denying seniors the benefits they deserve,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Begich recently visited Palmer to hold a town hall meeting with seniors at the Palmer Senior Citizen’s Center where the Mat-Su Frontiersman noted:

“Begich pulled no punches Thursday, hammering his opponent whenever he could. But the boxing gloves he received at the event — from Max Richtman, President of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, a group that endorsed Begich this week — weren’t for that but instead for standing up for those two programs.”

Begich was joined by NCPSSM President and CEO Max Richtman who presented Begich with the gloves and joined Begich in Palmer and at a similar town hall at the Chester Park Senior Living Co-op. Begich has been a leader to protect Social Security in the U.S. Senate, introducing legislation to extend benefits, change the way benefits are calculated to include a more accurate representation of what seniors actually spend money on - like groceries and health care - as well as raise the cap on contributions to the program.

Read Begich’s Social Security plan here.

Campaigning in the valley

by Andrew Wellner

Sen. Mark Begich made a campaign swing through Mat-Su on Thursday, speaking to a group at the Palmer Senior Center about health care issues (pictured) and attending a rally in downtown Palmer. In case you’ve somehow managed to avoid the ubiquitous advertising, Begich is deep in the trenches of a tough re-election fight against Republican Dan Sullivan, a former Department of Natural Resources Commissioner and state Attorney General. Begich pulled no punches Thursday, hammering his opponent whenever he could. But the boxing gloves he received at the event — from Max Richtman, President of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, a group that endorsed Begich this week — weren’t for that but instead for standing up for those two programs.