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Begich Endorsed by the Seward Phoenix Log

“Sen. Begich knows he represents Alaskans, not any special interest group in the Lower 48.”


ANCHORAGE- Mark Begich has earned the endorsement of the Seward Phoenix Log for his independent leadership and ability to deliver for Seward.

Here is what the Phoenix Log had to say about Mark Begich:

“The senator’s reputation is that of someone willing to work with anyone no matter how partisan the other might be. If it gets the job done for Alaskans, then he will do what it takes to get it done.”

“He listens and he responds well to what we Alaskans think are important issues – big or small; if they are important to us, they’re important to him.”

“Sen. Begich has been diligent in finding federal funds to help alleviate the situation. When city leaders briefed him, his response was clear and immediate.”

We’re supporting Mark Begich in his re-election bid to the U.S. Senate. After considerable thought we make this unqualified endorsement of the incumbent because of his dedication to hard work and commitment to Alaskans. Sen. Begich has proven himself to be as independent as the old-time Alaskan and deserves another term.

The former Anchorage mayor has done well in reaching out to all Alaskans. He takes nothing for granted and has become a quick study when it comes to analyzing the complex myriad of issues facing this sparsely populated state. The senator’s reputation is that of someone willing to work with anyone no matter how partisan the other might be. If it gets the job done for Alaskans, then he will do what it takes to get it done. Now that’s admirable!

There are also other reasons why we think Sen. Begich should be reelected. Though Washington, D.C. is far away, the senator is as close to home as our neighbors. He listens and he responds well to what we Alaskans think are important issues – big or small; if they are important to us, they’re important to him. It’s simply old-fashioned representation in the modern age.

Here’s a couple of local reasons why we support Sen. Begich’s re-election:

First, Seward is a seaport town. Seward was founded because of its deep, ice-free port. The Russians noted the natural advantages in the late 1700s when they built three ships here in Resurrection Bay. Next year, the U.S. Coast Guard takes a big step in recognition of what nature provides us when the huge arctic icebreaker Sikuliaq home ports here. While the ship will patrol the arctic waters, it will have a definite economic impact here. Sen. Begich never wavered in his support of the need for the icebreaker or the decision to home port it here.

And, second, during the last decade, flooding here seems to occur more often. Sen. Begich has been diligent in finding federal funds to help alleviate the situation. When city leaders briefed him, his response was clear and immediate.

Alaska is relatively still a new state. Alaska is big, over twice the size of Texas. Sen. Begich understands that to get our fair share of the federal dollar it is going to take all the elements of negotiation. That includes an uncompromising commitment to what he thinks is in the best interests of the state – but, he does it only after finding out from the residents of Alaska what they want him to do. He is not going to do it because someone in another state wants him to do it, but because we want him to do it. Sen. Begich knows he represents Alaskans, not any special interest group in the Lower 48.

There is much work yet to be done in Washington. There is little doubt that the senator does his homework and he fights for what he believes in because we believe in it. Our vote this election will go to Mark Begich.