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Begich Endorsed by Cordova District Fishermen United

Board of Directors Voted Unanimously To Endorse Begich for Re-election


ANCHORAGE- Senator Mark Begich is honored to receive the endorsement of the Cordova District Fishermen United (CDFU) for re-election to represent Alaska in the United States Senate. The CDFU represents 300 members and 1,000 fishing families in Prince William Sound. Senator Mark Begich has been a tireless advocate for Alaska’s fishing industry, using his clout as the chairman of the Senate Fisheries Committee and as a member of the Appropriations Committee to continue delivering results for Alaskans in a second term.

“I’m honored and humbled to receive the endorsement of the Cordova District Fishermen United. The Cordova fleet is one of Alaska’s most famous, when tough times were thrown their way they showed strength and resilience. Just as they have done, I will continue to fight for Alaska’s fishing industry to make sure their jobs and fisheries are protected,” said Senator Mark Begich.

CDFU is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, promoting and perpetuating the commercial fishery in Area E. CDFU has a board of 13 experienced commercial fishing permit holders in 4 separate divisions: Gillnet, Groundfish, Seine and Herring.

Here’s what CDFU had to say about Mark Begich:

Mark Begich Chairs the Commerce Subcommittee on Oceans, Fisheries, and Coast Guard and sits on the Senate Appropriations Committee. This position enables Senator Begich to:

  • Advocate for the best interest of Alaskans in the reauthorization of the Magnuson Stevens Act.
  • Fight to prevent the expiration of double escort tug requirement for PWS tanker traffic.
  • Worked with CDFU and industry to temporarily extend exemptions for end-user permits required to purchase Explosive Pest Control Devices (seal bombs).
  • Achieve and extend the waiver for small vessel discharge requirements and fight for permanent exemption.
  • Maintain firm opposition to the Pebble Mine.
  • Achieve labeling requirements for GMO salmon.
  • Protect Alaska’s reputation for seafood sustainability in the face of meaningless but damaging third party certifications.
  • Support NPFMC efforts to address Chinook Salmon and Halibut bycatch in Bering Sea and GOA trawl fisheries.
  • Support legislation to increase loan amounts to assist young fishermen in entering the commercial fisheries.
  • Increase home-porting for NOAA and Coast Guard vessels in Alaska.

For these reasons CDFU has chosen to join UFA and other industry organization within Alaska in the endorsement of Mark Begich for the United States Senate.
