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Begich Endorsed By The Arctic Sounder


ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senator Mark Begich has been endorsed for reelection by the Arctic Sounder, the newspaper serving the Northwest Arctic and the North Slope of Alaska.

In its endorsement, the Arctic Sounder recognized Begich’s strong record of fighting for Alaskans, belief in subsistence rights, clout on the Appropriations Committee, and the importance of a bipartisan Congressional delegation.

Highlights from the endorsement:

“Sen. Begich also has six years of seniority now; seniority in the U.S. Senate worked great for Alaska and I for one do not want to give up on it now. We have two U.S. senators from Alaska on the powerful Appropriations Committee, which is unheard of in the Senate.”

“I appreciate that entrepreneurial spirit. Begich has been supportive of Alaska Native subsistence rights and travels extensively throughout Alaska, and as Michelle Anderson, president of Ahtna said so very well, “we must stand behind the man that stands behind us.”

Begich has also received reelection endorsements from the Bristol Bay Times, Juneau Empire, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, Phoenix Seward Log, and the Anchorage Press.
