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Begich Has Alaska’s Best Attendance Record

ANCHORAGE — The Koch brothers latest attack ad can’t change the fact that Mark Begich has the best attendance record of the Alaska Delegation at 95.5%, a fact proven by the Alaska Dispatch News.

“It’s no shock that the Koch brothers are lying and attempting to mislead Alaskans in the last few days of this election. The Kochs want to buy Alaska’s Senate seat so Dan Sullivan can do their bidding in the U.S. Senate. Alaskans see through the false attacks and know Mark Begich works every day for Alaska and is the only candidate who will stand up for Alaska values and Alaskans,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.


Outside interests like the Koch brothers have spent millions against Mark Begich in an attempt to buy Alaska’s Senate seat for Dan Sullivan. Dark money and shadow groups run by the Koch’s have run ads in Alaska that independent fact check organizations have labeled as “false” and “not true” - ads that are similar to the Kochs most recent ad which wrongly accuses Mark Begich of “missing work.”

The billionaire Koch brothers have spent millions on ads in Alaska so far and have pledged millions more. The Kochs cut and run on Alaska when they shuttered the Flint Hills refinery in North Pole, killing 80 Alaska jobs, raising taxes on Alaskans, raising the price of asphalt and attempting to leave behind toxic groundwater.
