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The Hill: Begich offended by halibut-slamming Domino’s ad

No ifs, ands, or halibuts about it, Sen. Mark Begich is urging Domino’s Pizza to stop “hatin’ ” on halibut.

The Alaska Democrat penned an open letter to the pizza chain’s CEO on Wednesday, writing to J. Patrick Doyle that he wasn’t particularly pleased by a commercial that appears to dis the fish.

In the ad that’s currently airing, Domino’s suggests that innovative ideas often stem from feasts involving pizza. An announcer declares, “No one’s coming up with a world-changing idea over halibut — no way. It’s always been pizza.”

In his letter, which was delivered to the company’s Michigan headquarters, Begich writes he was “offended” by the commercial. The lawmaker says the ad, “depicts halibut, a staple in Alaskan’s diet and the bedrock of Alaska’s coastal economies, as a substance the Hollywood actor can’t bear to choke down. Why are you hatin’ on halibut?”