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Politico: Mark Begich knocks shutdown ‘knuckleheads’

Alaska Sen. Mark Begich (D) decries “a small band of knuckleheads” for “holding the country hostage over the health care law” in a radio ad that will begin running statewide late Tuesday.

The 60-second spot, shared first with POLITICO, laments the federal shutdown and lays the blame at the feet of the Republicans.

“I don’t have to tell you what the big issue in Washington is: it’s the shutdown, and it’s ridiculous,” said the freshman senator. “I voted to keep the government open, but over 8,000 Alaskans have been furloughed. They’re shutting down logging in the national forests. Head Start programs will start closing at the end of the month. Even the King Crab season cannot open without officials to sign off on permits and quarters. All because a small band of knuckleheads are holding the country hostage over the health care law.”