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Dan Sullivan: Not a Fighter Against Military Sexual Assault


Alaska military officers have risked their careers to sound alarms about problems with sexual assault in the Alaska National Guard. The Parnell - Sullivan administration knew about these cases for years and did nothing. As the state’s top law enforcement officer and member of the armed services, Dan Sullivan did nothing. Why did Alaska women get nothing more than lip service and an empty promise from Dan Sullivan? Now, two national investigations are underway to shine a light on the problem Dan Sullivan ignored.


2010: National Guard Victims Reported Military Sexual Assaults to the Parnell-Sullivan Administration

2010: Alaska National Guard Chaplains Discussed Reports Of Sexual Assault In Alaska National Guard With Gov. Parnell. In April 2014 Anchorage Daily News article on accusation of inaction on Alaska National Guard sexual misconduct, Lisa Demer wrote, “Guard chaplains met with Parnell in 2010 about reports of sexual assault in the Alaska National Guard.” [Anchorage Daily News, 4/28/14]

December 2010: Female National Guard Victims Of Sexual Assault Submitted Written And Verbal Statements About Misconduct To Sexual Assault Response Coordinator Katie TePas. In an April 2014 Anchorage Daily News column on 2010 cases of sexual assault in Alaska National Guard, Shannyn Moore wrote, “By that time, several female soldier rape victims had submitted written statements to the Governor’s Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, Katie Tepas, according to one of the chaplains. Your office already has those statements, the officers told Parnell. Tepas had also met with some of the victims, who told her their stories in person, according to two officers who heard it from the victims directly.” [Moore, Anchorage Daily News, 4/26/14]

Former Special Agent With U.S. Army Investigations: Katie TePas Asked Sexual Assault Victim What She Thought Of Gov. Parnell And General Who Failed To Stop Misconduct, Major Gen. Thomas Katkus. In an April 2014 Anchorage Daily News column on 2010 cases of sexual assault in Alaska National Guard, Shannyn Moore wrote, “Karl Hansen, a former special agent with the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division and a former member of security details for Defense Secretaries Donald Rumsfeld and Robert Gates, is now the medical ombudsman at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. In that role, he has dealt extensively with the Guard sexual assault victims. Hansen said one of the victims told him that TePas had asked why she, the victim, didn’t like Katkus and what she thought of the governor.” [Moore, Anchorage Daily News, 4/26/14]

After Three Years of Inaction, Sexual Assault Victims Came Forward to Tell Their Story and Two Investigations Began

Headline: Alaska Dispatch News: “Two investigations underway of sexual assaults in Alaska National Guard.” [Alaska Dispatch News, 5/20/14]

Alaska National Guard Came Under Investigation From Department Of Defense Inspector General And National Guard Bureau. Reported the Alaska Dispatch News in May 2014, “Two investigations are underway of the Alaska National Guard over reports that sexual assault complaints were being mishandled, and one is scheduled to wrap up this week. The Guard is being pressed by political leaders, including both Alaska U.S. senators, to get to the bottom of reports of unresolved sexual assaults and other problems that have festered for years, some of which already have been investigated. Last June, Sen. Lisa Murkowski asked the Department of Defense inspector general to investigate, her office said this week. . . . Separately, in March, a relatively new arm of the Arlington, Virginia-based National Guard Bureau began investigating reports of sexual assault and fraud in Alaska at the request of Gov. Sean Parnell. The governor said he will make that report public.” [Alaska Dispatch News, 5/20/14]

McClatchy: Dozen Members Of Alaska National Guard Faced Charges Of Sexual Misconduct, Including Five In National Guard Recruiting Unit. In February 2014 McClatchy report on National Guard sexual misconduct stated, “A dozen members of the Alaska National Guard face charges of sexual misconduct in what members of the guard call a severe problem in the ranks. Five were members of the guard’s recruiting unit and are alleged to have committed the offenses against potential recruits, new recruits, subordinates and others.” [McClatchy, 2/24/14]

December 2012: Lt. Col. Jane Wawersik Began Investigation Of Multiple Members Of National Guard Recruiting Unit. In October 2013 McClatchy report on National Guard sexual misconduct stated, “Lt. Col. Jane Wawersik, a former Anchorage police officer, is investigating allegations of sexual assault as well as other offenses, such as inappropriate relationships with new recruits, by members of the Alaska Army Guard’s recruiting and retention unit headquartered at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. Members of the guard said other soldiers are also under investigation. […] Lt. Col. Wawersik’s investigation began in December and focuses on multiple members of the guard’s recruiting unit. Wawersik declined to comment when reached by McClatchy.” [McClatchy, 10/27/13]

While Sexual Assault Cases Built in the Alaska National Guard, Sullivan Did Nothing

Former Governor Knowles: “I Wouldn’t Have Let Those Chaplains Off The Phone Until My Attorney General Had Heard Their Story.” According to a May 2014 column by Shannyn Moore, “I asked former Gov. Tony Knowles what he would have done in Parnell’s place. He said: ‘I wouldn’t have let those chaplains off the phone until my attorney general had heard their story.’” [Shannyn Moore, Anchorage Daily News, 5/3/14]

Former Attorney General John Havelock: I Would Have Immediately Launched Investigation Into National Guard Assault Allegations. According to a May 2014 column by Shannyn Moore, “Former Egan administration Attorney General John Havelock said that if such serious charges, even with few details, had come to his attention, he would have launched an immediate investigation. ‘It’s a report of violation of state law, against someone working for the state — the National Guard — you would have to investigate.’” [Shannyn Moore, Anchorage Daily News, 5/3/14]

Alaska NOW Said They Received No Answer From Governor’s Office For Records Request Regarding Correspondence Between Them And Sullivan Regarding Sexual Assault In The National Guard. “In her May 3 ADN follow-up, Ms. Moore stated, ‘I asked former Gov. Tony Knowles what he would have done in Parnell’s place. He said: ‘I wouldn’t have let those chaplains off the phone until my attorney general had heard their story.’’ Experts agree that would be natural and appropriate. However, in related published documents regarding the matter, Gov. Parnell has not mentioned his Attorney General at the time, current senate candidate Dan Sullivan. (Mr. Sullivan was reassigned, from Attorney General to Dept. of Natural Resources Commissioner, a few weeks after the chaplain’s report. His last day as Attorney General was December 5, 2010.) The Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources Commissioner’s website states, ‘(Dan Sullivan’s) primary focus as Attorney General was to end Alaska’s epidemic levels of sexual assault and domestic violence.’ Questions remain unanswered. Therefore, on behalf of the victims in this matter, on June 4, Alaska NOW faxed and sent a certified-mail letter to the governor’s office, requesting further information. Alaska NOW requested, ‘per the Alaska Public Records Act, copies of (documents) between you and then Attorney General Daniel Sullivan from November 18, 2010, or the first actual date of any report to you regarding sexual assault accusations within the Alaska National Guard, through Daniel Sullivan’s last day as Attorney General, December 5, 2010.”’ As of today, June 23, 2014, we have received no response from the Governor’s office.” [Bristol Bay Times, Barbara McDaniel op-ed, 6/26/14]

Sullivan Promised to Focus on Sexual Assault Prevention as Attorney General

Sullivan Said Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Had Been Top Focus Of Criminal Division Since He Became Attorney General. DANIEL SULLIVAN, Attorney General, Alaska Department of Law, thanked the committee for expeditiously hearing SB 222 and for the spirit of cooperation that the members have displayed. He reported that sexual assault and domestic violence has been the number one focus in the criminal division since he was appointed to the office last June. [Alaska Legislature, Senate Judiciary Committee, 1/25/10]

Sullivan Said Protecting Alaskans From Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Would Be Area Of Focus As Attorney General. MR. SULLIVAN explained that as the attorney general, one area he would be focused on would be on protecting Alaskans from criminal behavior such as sexual assault and domestic violence. [Attorney General Confirmation Hearing, House Judiciary Committee, 2/25/10]

Sullivan Said He Cares “Deeply About The Serious Problem Of Sexual Assault In Our State And Our Nation’s Military.” Sullivan wrote: “I also care deeply about the serious problem of sexual assault in our state and our nation’s military, which has made recent news headlines. As Alaska’s attorney general, I worked closely with Gov. Parnell, numerous Alaska legislators, and countless other dedicated Alaskans on developing and implementing the “Choose Respect” initiative to address this horrendous social problem. As the father of three daughters, this is a personal issue for me. As the current battalion commander of a Marine Corps reserve ANGLICO unit, I am also deeply involved in training and leading America’s warriors, including having trained hundreds of young Alaska men to be U.S. Marines since 1997. These differing experiences provide me with a unique perspective on how we can forcefully and effectively address the urgent challenge of sexual assaults in our military.” [Anchorage Daily News, Sullivan op-ed, 11/9/13]

Sullivan Promised New Sexual Assault Coordinator Would Provide “Guaranteed Follow-Through.” Alaska Department of Law (Attorney General) issued the following news release: “Sullivan noted that the governor’s initiative differs from past efforts to address the problem because of its comprehensive approach, broad-based public education campaign, and guaranteed follow-through with the creation of a coordinator for domestic violence and sexual assault prevention and response.” [Dan Sullivan Press Release, 12/3/09]

Hunting & Fishing Licenses

2009: Sullivan Received Alaska Nonresident Fishing License, Listed Length Of Alaska Residence As 1 Year In 2010, Two Years In 2011. “In 2009, [Sullivan] received an Alaska nonresident fishing license, and on fishing and hunting licenses for 2010 and 2011 listed his length of residency as one year and two years, respectively, according to public records. To qualify for a resident license, one must, according to state Fish and Game rules, be physically present in the state, maintain a home for the preceding year and not claim residency in another state. ” [AP,12/18/13]

2013: Sullivan Listed Alaska Residency As 10 Years “Because He Knew Politicians And Political Operatives Would Try To Make An Issue Of This.” “Sullivan in 2013 listed his residency as 10 years, according to a copy of the Fish and Game license provided to The Associated Press. Campaign spokesman Mike Anderson said Sullivan called Fish and Game for guidance on what to list there and followed that guidance ‘because he knew politicians and political operatives would try to make an issue of this.’” [AP, 12/18/13]

Sullivan Spokesman Said 10 Years Reflected Sullivan’s Total Number Of Years Living In Alaska.“[Sullivan spokesman] Anderson said the 10 years reflects the total numbers of years Sullivan has been present in Alaska. ” [AP, 12/18/13]

Maryland House

National Journal: Sullivan Is A “Relative Newcomer” To Alaska, Designated Maryland As His Home While Voting In Alaska. “Compared to [Treadwell and Begich], Sullivan is a relative newcomer to the state and its politics. His wife is an Alaska native, but he first moved to the state in 1997. His family designated its Maryland home as its principal residence while he worked for the Bush Administration, during which time Sullivan continued to vote absentee in Alaska but skipped some elections including major Republican primaries involving former Gov. Sarah Palin and GOP Rep. Don Young.” [National Journal, 10/15/13]

Sullivan Campaign Said He Listed Maryland Home As Principal Residence For Tax Purposes. “Sullivan listed a home in Maryland as his principal residence while working on the East Coast, and his campaign has said that was for tax purposes.” [AP, 12/18/13]

Sullivans Purchased House in Bethesda, Maryland in December 2006 for More Than $1.3 Million – Sold In May 2010. According to Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, the property located at 6212 Maiden Ln in Bethesda was purchased on December 29, 2023 for $1,362,000. The Sullivans sold the house on May 25, 2023 for $1,325,000. [Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, 6212 Maiden Ln; Deed 33556/ 00304; Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, 6212 Maiden Ln; Deed 39334/ 00288]

Taxes & Principal Residence

Sullivan and Wife Paid Taxes on Home at 6212 Maiden Lane in Bethesda MD in 2007 Tax Year. According to Montgomery County tax records, Sullivan and his wife paid property taxes on the home at 6212 Maiden Lane in Bethesda, MD for the tax period from July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2008. [Montgomery County Tax Records, Accessed 5/16/13]

  • Sullivans Received $613 County Property Tax Credit on Bethesda Home as “Principal Residence” in 2007. According to Montgomery County tax records, the Sullivans received the County Property Tax Credit in the amount of $613 on their home in Bethesda, MD in the 2007 tax year. [Montgomery County Tax Records, Accessed 5/16/13]
  • County Property Tax Credit “Automatically Given to All Properties Listed as Principal Residence as of July 1st of That Tax Year.” According to the Montgomery County website, “The County Property Tax Credit also known as Income Tax Offset Credit is a credit that is automatically given to all properties that are listed as a principal residence as of July 1st of that tax year. Although the credit is given to properties listed as principal residences the owner must have occupied the property prior to July 1st of that tax year.” [Montgomery County, County Property Tax Credit]

Sullivan and Wife Paid Taxes on Home at 6212 Maiden Lane in Bethesda MD in 2008 Tax Year. According to Montgomery County tax records, Sullivan and his wife paid property taxes on the home at 6212 Maiden Lane in Bethesda, MD for the tax period from July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2009. [Montgomery County Tax Records, Accessed 5/16/13]

  • Sullivans Received $579 County Property Tax Credit on Bethesda Home as “Principal Residence” in 2008. According to Montgomery County tax records, the Sullivans received the County Property Tax Credit in the amount of $579 on their home in Bethesda, MD in the 2008 tax year.” [Montgomery County Tax Records, Accessed 5/16/13]