Database Information

Node labels
*No labels in database{{label}}
Relationship types
*No relationships in database{{relationshipType}}
Property keys
No property keys in database{{propertyKey}}
  • Version:
    {{ neo4j.version }}
  • Name:
    {{kernel.DatabaseName || '-'}}
  • Size:
    {{kernel.TotalStoreSize | humanReadableBytes}}
  • Information

New folder
Synced ConnectedNot ConnectedOut of sync

Saved Scripts
Sample Scripts
Styling / Graph Style Sheet

Neo4j Browser Sync
{{}}Synced Out of syncConnectedNot Connected


You have access to the last 5 versions, in case you want to restore to an older version.

{{key.display | uppercase}}
Manage local data

This will reset your local storage, clearing favorite scripts, grass, command history and settings.

WARNING: This WILL erase your data stored in this web browsers local storage.

What do you want to do?
(nothing,  cancel)

This will clear your favourite scripts, grass, command history etc. locally.

WARNING: If you don't sign out from Neo4j Browser Sync first, the sync servers data could be cleared as well. Your data could be lost.

What do you want to do?
(nothing,  cancel)



Sign In or Register

Neo4j Browser Sync is a companion cloud service for Neo4j Browser. Connect through a simple social sign-in to get started.

About Neo4j Browser Sync

Neo4j Browser Sync is currently only available for some versions of Internet Explorer. If you have any trouble, we'd love to hear from you at
Before you can sign in, please check the box above to agree to the terms of use and privacy policy.


It is not possible to connect to Neo4j Browser Sync right now.

Browser Settings

User Interface
Network Connection
Result Frames
Graph Visualization

About Neo4j

Made by Neo Technology

Copyright © 2002–2016

Neo4j Browser

You are running version 1.1.9


GPLv3 or AGPL for Open Source,
and NTCL Commercial.


Neo4j wouldn't be possible without a fantastic community. Thanks for all the feedback, discussions and contributions.

With  from Sweden.
{{editor.document.content | autotitle}}
Type :help commands for a list of available commands.
Database access not available. Please use :server connect to establish connection. There's a graph waiting for you.
Can not connect to Neo4j. Please check your Network Connection settings.
{{ visualizationStats.fps() }} frames/s; costs: {{ }}