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Privacy and Civil Rights

Privacy and Civil Rights

Whether in person or online, no one should be able to invade your privacy, especially not the federal government. Since I came to the Senate, I have strongly opposed government attempts to chip away at your privacy rights.

It is important that law enforcement have the tools at their disposal to protect us, but not at the expense of the privacy of law-abiding citizens. That’s why, when the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) came up for extension, I fought against a provision that allowed federal law enforcement to spy on citizens without a warrant. That’s why I initiated an effort, signed by 13 Senators, Democrats and Republicans, to stop the IRS from reading your email without a warrant. That’s why I support updating the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, which federal law enforcement relies on to guide their policy on online privacy.

It’s a simple principle — the federal government should stay out of Alaskans’ private lives. And that doesn’t stop with requiring warrants. It extends to keeping the federal government out of people’s private business. That’s why I supported overturning the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and was glad to see the Supreme Court strike down the discriminatory portion of DOMA as unconstitutional.

And it extends to making sure every eligible Alaskan can exercise their right to vote. I’ve long supported the Voting Rights Act (VRA) — a law that has protected thousands of Alaskans from voting barriers that still exist today. Despite the Supreme Court’s recent decision weakening the VRA, I will continue to work to ensure all Alaskans can properly exercise their right to vote.

I will continue working with my colleagues to make sure every Alaskan enjoys the freedom, equality, and privacy that we as Americans are entitled to.

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