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New Ad: Begich Suggests Future Ad Locations for Sullivan


ANCHORAGE — From atop the Dena’ina Center in downtown Anchorage Mark Begich shares his record of delivering results for Alaska. The list includes the convention center Begich oversaw from concept to completion and Dan Sullivan obliviously used to proclaim “we need real results, not just talk.”

Begich reminds Sullivan the convention center they both stood on was built at Begich’s urging. Begich also offers Dan Sullivan suggestions for future political advertisements including Eielson Air Force Base where Begich kept the F-16s or the new hospitals in Nome or Barrow Begich delivered funds for.



“Dan Sullivan paid high praise to Mark Begich by filming a political ad at the Dena’ina Center and we are happy to suggest additional locations where Dan Sullivan can showcase more of the results Mark Begich has delivered for Alaska,” said Alaskans for Begich Communications Director Max Croes.

The convention center was called the “crowning achievement” of Mark Begich’s tenure as mayor of Anchorage.

Filming an ad on top of the Dena’ina Center without knowing it was built at the urging of one of his opponents feeds legitimate questions Dan Sullivan has been battling about his residency since declaring his candidacy.


Begich: I’m Mark Begich … and Dan Sullivan shot this TV ad here at the Dena’ina Center saying I don’t get results. Well, I got the Dena’ina Center built that Dan was standing on. And this steel plant? It has more business because I got the administration to allow more drilling. I approved this message because here are some more nice places Dan could use in his next ad …At Merrill Field where I expanded the safety zone … At Eielson where we kept the F-16s … The new hospitals at Nome . . . . at Barrow …The coal fired power plant we saved …
